Nobody can deny the fact that what human beings have done to Nature is irreversible. However, human beings can do several things to compensate the loss. Afforestation is the only solution.
“Afforestation is the process of planting trees, or sowing seeds, in a barren land devoid of any trees to create a forest” says Google. It may be right. Is afforestation possible in cites? Yes. We can have the perfectly balanced indigenous eco-system back, even in the cities. A good number of houses have at least a small garden, be it for aesthetics or utility. That is the sign of hope for EMAI to rely on to restore our eco-system that would result in enriched bio-diversity.
An Ecosystem requires different species of native plants that in turn supports insects, birds, mammals, reptiles. The place where we live either a city or town or village, do contain mostly exotic and ornamental plants that do not support the ecosystem. The effects of exotic plants are not only that it occupies the place of native plants but its invasive and fast growing which totally degrades the Ecosystem. The environmental debasement started with the colonization of our land by western countries. The British introduced lot of plants from other continents that are totally new to our Ecosystem. We as people have not been aware of our valuable native plants. The native plants of India too include Ornamental, Economical and Medicinal values. People in the past lived in harmony with nature because they understood the utility aspects of the trees, plants of the land.We must take conservation into serious consideration in today’s world of climate change. Conservation happened even in the old days too. People did conservation in Temples as Skthala viriksham or Sthala maram. As our ancestors conserved the nature, we must continue it. One of the ways for retaining and restoring nature is by planting the native species of plants.
With a great deal of study and research, EMAI has set up its nurseries containing indigenous tree saplings across the city in several places through its volunteers, especially in schools. EMAI facilitates afforestation by providing green cover wherever possible. Its association with Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering is a standing example for one of the projects of the trust. In a __ land, EMAI has set up a mini-forest through Miyawaki method. The growth of trees in this approach is so exponential and dense that it has become a host to many species of birds and insects. The result after setting up the forest is so evident.

Nurture a Nursery
EMAI intends to promote green environment wherever possible, even in given a smaller space. Through nurture a nursery initiative, EMAI created a nursery hub in and around Chennai.
EMAI’s volunteers involve in conserving indigenous plant species in several ways such as
i. collecting seeds and making saplings of native indian trees
ii. collecting seedlings from local areas and growing them in small grow-bags.
These saplings are donated to those who are interested to raise a native-tree nursery at their house. As a result, EMAI is able to create indigenous trees’ nurseries. Later, the volunteers can plant the saplings wherever they can or they can join us to plant them through EMAI’s projects. This initiative is well received by many, especially by senior citizens who value the flora of the olden days.